Friday, November 20, 2009
Who Is To Blame and the Debate
Most of the blame however, lies with the Interhamwe. Why in the world would you go outside and kill your neighbor or best friend just because the radio station tells you to. Are the people in Rwanda that easy to brainwash? They may as well be five year olds. I also agree with Alex (or Romeo) that the Belgians are only partly to blame. It doesn’t matter what the people before you did. It’s always possible to change what you’re actions are.
-The Debate
Debate= great. I know that rhymes and sounds corny but that’s what I think. I’ve never been in a serious debate before and this one was really fun. I know it may not have been fun for some groups but it was especially fun for me because no one could touch my group. The only group that ever actually gave us trouble was the RPF and a little bit of Kugame but because no other groups tried or even got close to attacking us I got to sit back and watch the other groups go at it the entire hour.
I think it might have been a bit more fun to have a group that was harder to defend but I’d rather have that challenge in a later debate when I’m more used to debating and defending. Watching the other groups was fun and all, mostly the people who got into it a lot, but I’d kind of like to have to defend myself. Not the Interhamwe though. They just took way to much heat for me to handle. Belgium had that too. I know they’re mostly to blame but c’mon people lay off, it’s just a high school debate.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
The American Scholar
One reason I think this is because today most people only do one specific function their whole lives. Emerson says, “ And strut about so many walking monsters – a good finger, a neck, a stomach, an elbow, but never man.” People do one specific function and become it. Another example happened to me. From ages 5 to 7 it had always been my job to pull the weeds. However, when my Dad asked me to mow the lawn for the first time I was flabbergasted. I had no idea how to do it because I only knew how to pick weeds.
The other reason I think Emerson’s theory still holds true is because people are educated to only do one job. Think about this. You are going to college to be an engineer. Once you get out of college what do you think your going to be? An engineer because that’s all you can do and all you know how to do. People today are educated as if they’re part of an assembly line. They do one task all day and at the end that’s all they can do. as it is all they know.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Halloween Blog
Face it, finding a perfect Halloween costume can be nearly impossible when you’re uninspired or don’t have a clue as to what to be. Sure there are the clichés (zombie, vampire, hippie) but what costume truly makes people laugh or wet their pants the most?
I know that I cannot satisfy everyone with my list but I’ll try my best to incorporate everyone’s opinions. I’m not judging by scariness or how popular the costumes. My judgment will for the most part be based on originality.
5. Cowboys
Cowboys are number five for a ton of reasons. They’re tough as nails and are also the manliest guys in the old west. They’ve got a really good fashion sense too. Just look at their mustaches. Any guy who can pull off leather chaps is alright in my book.
4. Hannah Montana
The number of little kids (boys and girls alike) dressing up as Hannah Montana this year is staggering. And who wouldn’t want to dress up as Hannah? To quote my brother, “She’s only the greatest singer ever made.” Even if her show tanks due to the terrible writing and even worse acting (not that I’ve watched it) at least Hannah will still have a ton of money due to the profits from this year’s Halloween costume sales.
3. Hippies
I had to include hippies on this list as every kid known to mankind has dressed up as a hippie at one point or another. Even though it's not creative or new I still feel the hippie deserves a spot because of it's longevity as a costume. My parents, who are very old, even said they dressed up as hippies when they were kids. If a costume can survive more than 20 years of Halloweens then it's definitly in the top 5.
2. Pirates
The new millennium saw a resurgence in the popularity of pirates with the release of "Pirates of the Caribbean. Although nowadays their popularity may be waning, a few years ago in my neighborhood everyone wanted to be Jack Sparrow. I think it's he swagger that Johny Depp gave to his character that made everyone want to be like him. Face it, without Depp the pirate would never have been a great pop culture icon like it is nowadays.
1. Food Costumes
Every time I see a hot fog or banana walking down the street, I crack up, especially if it's a grown man. Though i don't know it's origins I know that the food themed costume is a favorite of teenagers (like Johnson Yang).
Thursday, October 22, 2009
The Variety Show
“Please don’t mess up, please don’t mess up,” I recited in my head as I struck the first note. The lights dimmed and my variety show performance began.
I decided to try out for the variety show when my friend told me that I was good at guitar and that we should play as a band in the variety show. I was skeptical at first, as anyone would be, about how we would pull this off. Two people does not make a band (unless you’re The Proclaimers). My friend and I already had the guitar and vocals covered but a drummer would be hard to find. Luckily my other friend who lived in my neighborhood had picked up drums about a year ago and was actually pretty good. We recruited him and were all set to go.
Of course this was 9 months before variety show tryouts even began so you’d think we’d be well practiced and ready right? Wrong. In the 9 months before the tryouts we practiced maybe once or twice. The whole thing seemed a mess to me and I almost quit halfway through. Luckily I was persuaded not to and rejoined the group.
About two weeks before tryouts we buckled down and really started practicing hard. However, we found ourselves in quite a predicament. We realized that we needed a bass player to make our performance sound good. I searched high and low but couldn’t find one anywhere. Bass just didn’t seem to be a popular instrument.
Exactly a week before tryouts my friend managed to find a bass player and ,although we were barely ready, we tried out not long after.
When we were accepted into the variety show I was as giddy as a schoolgirl. My head buzzed with thoughts of huge stadiums and all of my classmates looking up to me. WE practiced and practiced with the other variety show acts until we were near perfect. Finally the moment came when I got to step onto the stage with my band and play my heart out.
The whole experience of being on stage was nerve racking of course, but well worth it. When I heard the applause at the end of our act I felt great about myself and everything around me. And finally without even a single boo, my band left the stage and the curtain set on the variety show.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Swine Flu
The problem with swine flu is that it can “turn from mild to critical extremely rapidly,” (McMaster 1). This means that most of the people who get the H1N1 virus will need it treated very soon if they wish to keep it under control. What will hospitals do once they can provide no more room or treatment to those who have the swine flu but haven’t received any medical help? This could potentially in the same ballpark as the 1918 flu pandemic that killed millions. Another striking similarity that the swine flu bears to the 1918 flu is that it targets those who are not young or old but healthy and usually unaffected y most common diseases.
Were everyone to get a dose of the vaccine this problem may be solved. However, those unaware of where to get the vaccine or those who blow it off as just another seasonal cold may help make it more widespread than it already is. If the vaccine were distributed more better than perhaps the U.S. would have a chance of averting this crisis. But t seems like the government or media hasn’t made it well known where to get one.
One way to combat this issue would be t quarantine anyone who got it. I don’t mean a harsh or cruel quarantine, not like prison camps or anything, but anyone who does have the virus should definitely be kept alone with very minimal physical contact with other humans. Maybe a bubble or something like that would work.
Swine flu is spreading and won’t stop unless someone stands up against it and tries to combat it’s deadly blows against the U.S. If allowed to spread the disease could cause the entire infrastructure to collapse around us.
The worlds strongest and most powerful leaders need to discuss what to do about the swine flu and take action instead of just shrugging it off as another small problem. It won’t be worth having any health care reform if no one is around to take advantage of it.
Friday, October 9, 2009
My Crazy Little Dog
I walked into the PetSmart. A terrible aroma of kitty litter, cage bedding, and broken fish tanks hit my nose like a ton of bricks. My family and I were there to look for our soon to be new puppy, which we had decided to name Georgia. My old dog, Timber, had a tumor and would die very soon. Because of this thought it all the more better to get a new dog, to ease the pain the family would experience from the death of Timber.
Beagle Buddies was having another puppy adoption event in the store and, from a call my Mom made to the store, we knew that Georgia would be there. I hadn’t seen her yet and was as giddy as a schoolgirl to meet finally lay my eyes on my new dog. Each second seemed like an eternity as my family and I walked to the back of the store. For some reason, I realized, I was sweating like a jogger. Then suddenly I finally reached where Georgia lay. She was the nicest and most sweet dog I’d ever seen and I couldn’t take my eyes off of her.
My family and I had to wait for what seemed like days to finally bring her home but it was worth it. Except for when we walked in the door to our house. Immediately Georgia hopped out of my Mom’s arms and peed on the floor. I laughed at it until I was told to clean it up. That sucked. However, as bad as it was I’d just gotten a new dog and nothing could bring me down. I knew that Georgia would be a great addition to the family and as well as a great new friend.
Friday, October 2, 2009
All About the Alphabet
B- B is for bothersome. I like to bug my brother as much as possible and piss him off as much as I can. It is also fun to hurt him because it makes him cry. He's a huge baby. But don't worry it's all in good fun.
C- C is for cranky. Whenever I don't have something good to look forward to after school I always come home cranky. C is also for Cranium, which is one of my favorite board games because of how varied the challenges in it are.
D- Dogs are definitely my thing. I cannot stand cats (besides kittens). Every cat I've ever met has tried to claw me, scratch me, bite me, or harm me in some way. I like dogs because of how much affection they show and because of how loyal and obedient they are.
E- is for likes to be entertained. I can't stand being bored especially on weekends. If not for great teachers like Mr. Feilder I would be bored in school too.
F- F is for Fridays. Fridays are my favorite day of the week because I actually get to stay up past 7:30, which is my bedtime. I also like them because on them I can procrastinate and don’t have to do my homework.
G- G is for guitar. I play guitar and it’s my favorite instrument. G is also for grease, which disgusts me. Every time I eat a slice of pizza or something else greasy I have to wipe off the food so that my arteries don’t get clogged.
H- H stands for horror movies which I dislike even more than grease. I just can’t stand having things pop out at me. All things like that scare the poop out of me.
I- I am for interested in the world around me. I like to learn new things, especially things about history. I stands for IKEA too. I absolutely hate shopping there because of how long my mom spends looking for stuff.
J- Jack is my name. I think that Jack is a cool name because of all the cool people that have it. Jack Sparrow, Jack Bauer, and Samurai Jack to name a few. J also stands for jive turkey, which I think, represents me well. I’m not very cool and act kind of nerdy sometimes.
K- K is for Kalahari. Kalahari is a water park that I got to go to with my class in 7th grade. It was really cool, even though it was cold, and was one of my best experiences at middle school.
L- I think that I am a pretty lucky person. I’m lucky to have all the things that I do. L stands for loud mouth as well. While most of the time I am quiet sometimes I can go a bit overboard and blurt things out too much.
M- I absolutely hate the video game company Microsoft. They have terrible customer service and don’t treat their customers well. Their products also break after only like 6 weeks.
N- N stands for nark. When I was younger I used to tell on people a lot. But don’t worry, I got over it. N also stands for narcissist. At time I can be very narcissistic and rude.
O- O is for Oasis, one of my favorite bands. I got into them about 2 years ago and have been hooked ever since. O is for origami too. I used to be really good at it and could even at one point make a swan in under 1 min.
P- P is for parties, one of my favorite things to go too. Although I don’t get invited to a ton of them the ones I have been to I have immensely enjoyed.
Q- Q is for quadratic equations, one of y least favorite equations in math ever. I just can’t seem to understand how to do them and each time I see one on a test or quiz my heart drops like a ton of bricks.
R- R is for respected. Believe it or not I don’t think anyone genuinely hates me even though I am mean sometimes. R is also for Red Hot Chili Peppers, my favorite band by far, even more so that Oasis.
S- S stands for smart. I know it sounds like I’m bragging but I’m not trust me. I have been in smart classes all my life.
T- Tigers are my favorite animals. In fact in second grade I changed my name to Speed Tigershark. Unfortunately however the name didn’t stick and I was forced to go back to Jack.
U- U is for underpants. I genuinely dislike them and don’t find them comfortable in the slightest. I’m a boxer brief man. U is also for unintelligible. My words are sometimes slurred and or hard to understand.
V- V is for varsity band. That’s my least favorite class right now and I really wish I could switch out of it with a burning desire. The teacher is not very nice and the class is all out boring.
W- W is for West. Adam West that is. I think it’s funny how many cameos and guest appearances he does nowadays and he seems like a cool guy. W also = Wow Wow Wubzy, my least favorite show on nick jr. that my brother, for some reason, enjoys immensely.
X- X is for xylophone. It is my instrument of choice in band class. That doesn’t mean I like it. It’s just what I’m forced to play.
Y- is for Yu-Gi-Oh, my favorite card game from age 7 to 12. I really hate it now and hate the animated show even more.
Z= zoo. I love seeing all the different animals and exhibits, especially the ones at the Detroit Zoo. Although I cant help feeling bad for the animals. I know that they have a good life though so I still enjoy it.
The Chase
Hey Freshmen,” said a hulking and monstrous voice. “You got a problem with my girl?” It took about 30 seconds before I finally realized that I had been staring at this gigantic upperclassmen’s girlfriend. If I was going to escape getting harassed or worse, beat up, I would have to exit the scene ASAP. On pure instinct I bolted away towards my first hour only to find that the beast student was following me.
“C’mon, c’mon just a few more feet to the door,” I thought. I was sweating as much as a fat guy after taking a jog now and knew that it would be 2, maybe 3, seconds before I was in my pursuers clutches. 3,2,1 and BANG!! I landed on my classroom floor like a sack of bricks. My seat was right in front of me and I sat down, smug with the fact that I’d beaten the upperclassmen. I still had a clear view of the door though and could see the upperclassmen mouth, “I will get you,” to me before he departed.
I was in constant fear of encountering him in the halls from then on. Thankfully, hours 1-4 went off without a hitch and I headed to lunch feeling pretty happy. Finding a seat with my friends I scanned the surrounding lunchroom for any signs of danger.
“Oh God no, please no,” I begged in my head when I saw that, two tables down was my old friend the giant upperclassmen. My back was facing the wall and so was the upperclassmen’s so as long as he didn’t recognize or see me I was safe. In the midst of this chaotic event I thought, “What if he was joking?” but disregarded the thought as rubbish. I ate my lunch in silence and fear and when he left the room it felt as if a 1000 pounds had been lifted off my shoulders.
I left for the buses that evening without encountering him at all from 5th to 6th hour. When I opened the doors to leave the school a cool breeze wafted through my hair. The buses shone yellow like 24 carrot gold and I could smell that great aroma of burning diesel fuel that lets you know it’s time to go home. I was so at peace with everything that I was sure nothing could go wrong. I stepped on to the bus and found that all of the seats were full besides one.
“No matter,” I thought. “I’m sure I’ll be fine.” After sitting down my eyes gradually drifted over to see whom I was sharing a seat with. I must have bad karma or something because to my horror it was the upperclassmen I’d been avoiding all day.
The guy looked over at me. “Hey you’re that kid who was staring at my girlfriend!” he bellowed. I couldn’t speak, hear, think or anything. “So, he said. “Did it work?” My head nearly exploded. What was he talking about?
“Uh… did what work?” I timidly asked.
“Did I scare you?” “Was my act convincing?” I didn’t really think so.” He went on and on like this for a few seconds more and ended up telling me that he had been in fact joking the entire time. Dumbstruck, all I could do was stare. I’d been Punk’d.
So, basically, my first day was a disaster. I did made up with the kid though and am now no longer one of his prey. I can’t even begin to ponder what else high school has in store for me if this all happened on just the first day.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Stevenson's been okay so far. I thought it would be a lot more exciting but it seems like a bigger version of middle school (besides the extra homework). Has anyone gotten bullied yet? I only thought that I was being bullied but it turns out I really wasn’t. I haven't seen anyone get bullied. I thought there'd be some really mean kid who everyone was afraid. Or maybe a gang that beat people up just for the fun of it. Anyways it seems kind of boring here.
I only have a few mean teachers. Mr. Fielder seems the meanest. No not really I’m just joking. Most of the teachers are fine and real nice. I don’t like the homework every night. I know we basically had the same thing happening to us in middle school but at least then we had weekends off.
I didn’t get to play the instrument I wanted to in band class. The teacher said that it wouldn’t be alright even though last years band teacher said that I could. It was a big letdown and I just sit there all class doing nothing. I guess that’s kind of cool though.
I got chased down in the hallway on my first day and was really scared of being caught by the guy who was chasing me. It turns out that my pursuer wasn’t really chasing me and was just joking though so don’t anyone worry I’m alright.
I think that the dances were the most fun this year so far. It was kind of scary dancing with the seniors at the welcome back dance. It seemed like they wanted to eat me. It seemed like the freshman dance was much more casual and laid back than the welcome back one. As you can tell I liked the freshman dance a lot more.