Friday, October 2, 2009

The Chase

“I wonder if those are real?” was my first actual thought of my first day at high school. I was checking out a girl in the halls and, as a 14-year-old boy, you can infer what I was staring at.
Hey Freshmen,” said a hulking and monstrous voice. “You got a problem with my girl?” It took about 30 seconds before I finally realized that I had been staring at this gigantic upperclassmen’s girlfriend. If I was going to escape getting harassed or worse, beat up, I would have to exit the scene ASAP. On pure instinct I bolted away towards my first hour only to find that the beast student was following me.
“C’mon, c’mon just a few more feet to the door,” I thought. I was sweating as much as a fat guy after taking a jog now and knew that it would be 2, maybe 3, seconds before I was in my pursuers clutches. 3,2,1 and BANG!! I landed on my classroom floor like a sack of bricks. My seat was right in front of me and I sat down, smug with the fact that I’d beaten the upperclassmen. I still had a clear view of the door though and could see the upperclassmen mouth, “I will get you,” to me before he departed.
I was in constant fear of encountering him in the halls from then on. Thankfully, hours 1-4 went off without a hitch and I headed to lunch feeling pretty happy. Finding a seat with my friends I scanned the surrounding lunchroom for any signs of danger.
“Oh God no, please no,” I begged in my head when I saw that, two tables down was my old friend the giant upperclassmen. My back was facing the wall and so was the upperclassmen’s so as long as he didn’t recognize or see me I was safe. In the midst of this chaotic event I thought, “What if he was joking?” but disregarded the thought as rubbish. I ate my lunch in silence and fear and when he left the room it felt as if a 1000 pounds had been lifted off my shoulders.
I left for the buses that evening without encountering him at all from 5th to 6th hour. When I opened the doors to leave the school a cool breeze wafted through my hair. The buses shone yellow like 24 carrot gold and I could smell that great aroma of burning diesel fuel that lets you know it’s time to go home. I was so at peace with everything that I was sure nothing could go wrong. I stepped on to the bus and found that all of the seats were full besides one.
“No matter,” I thought. “I’m sure I’ll be fine.” After sitting down my eyes gradually drifted over to see whom I was sharing a seat with. I must have bad karma or something because to my horror it was the upperclassmen I’d been avoiding all day.
The guy looked over at me. “Hey you’re that kid who was staring at my girlfriend!” he bellowed. I couldn’t speak, hear, think or anything. “So, he said. “Did it work?” My head nearly exploded. What was he talking about?
“Uh… did what work?” I timidly asked.
“Did I scare you?” “Was my act convincing?” I didn’t really think so.” He went on and on like this for a few seconds more and ended up telling me that he had been in fact joking the entire time. Dumbstruck, all I could do was stare. I’d been Punk’d.
So, basically, my first day was a disaster. I did made up with the kid though and am now no longer one of his prey. I can’t even begin to ponder what else high school has in store for me if this all happened on just the first day.

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