Friday, November 20, 2009

Who Is To Blame and the Debate

(This is about the situation in reality) How would you like to be told you’re going to be the bad guy? My heart sunk when I heard I would be representing the RAF. So, if you can’t tell, I don’t support them and think that they are one of the groups that should be blamed. However, every group, besides the Red Cross, in the debate can be blamed for causing or failing to end the genocide. The Belgians for making the identity cards, the French for supporting the Hutu, the U.S. , Romeo Dellaire, and U.N. for not doing anything, Kugame and the RPF for killing Juvenal, and Juvenal himself for spreading anti-Tutsi propaganda.
Most of the blame however, lies with the Interhamwe. Why in the world would you go outside and kill your neighbor or best friend just because the radio station tells you to. Are the people in Rwanda that easy to brainwash? They may as well be five year olds. I also agree with Alex (or Romeo) that the Belgians are only partly to blame. It doesn’t matter what the people before you did. It’s always possible to change what you’re actions are.
-The Debate
Debate= great. I know that rhymes and sounds corny but that’s what I think. I’ve never been in a serious debate before and this one was really fun. I know it may not have been fun for some groups but it was especially fun for me because no one could touch my group. The only group that ever actually gave us trouble was the RPF and a little bit of Kugame but because no other groups tried or even got close to attacking us I got to sit back and watch the other groups go at it the entire hour.
I think it might have been a bit more fun to have a group that was harder to defend but I’d rather have that challenge in a later debate when I’m more used to debating and defending. Watching the other groups was fun and all, mostly the people who got into it a lot, but I’d kind of like to have to defend myself. Not the Interhamwe though. They just took way to much heat for me to handle. Belgium had that too. I know they’re mostly to blame but c’mon people lay off, it’s just a high school debate.

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