Thursday, November 5, 2009

Halloween Blog

Top 5 Best Halloween Costumes

Face it, finding a perfect Halloween costume can be nearly impossible when you’re uninspired or don’t have a clue as to what to be. Sure there are the clichés (zombie, vampire, hippie) but what costume truly makes people laugh or wet their pants the most?

I know that I cannot satisfy everyone with my list but I’ll try my best to incorporate everyone’s opinions. I’m not judging by scariness or how popular the costumes. My judgment will for the most part be based on originality.

5. Cowboys

Cowboys are number five for a ton of reasons. They’re tough as nails and are also the manliest guys in the old west. They’ve got a really good fashion sense too. Just look at their mustaches. Any guy who can pull off leather chaps is alright in my book.

4. Hannah Montana

The number of little kids (boys and girls alike) dressing up as Hannah Montana this year is staggering. And who wouldn’t want to dress up as Hannah? To quote my brother, “She’s only the greatest singer ever made.” Even if her show tanks due to the terrible writing and even worse acting (not that I’ve watched it) at least Hannah will still have a ton of money due to the profits from this year’s Halloween costume sales.

3. Hippies

I had to include hippies on this list as every kid known to mankind has dressed up as a hippie at one point or another. Even though it's not creative or new I still feel the hippie deserves a spot because of it's longevity as a costume. My parents, who are very old, even said they dressed up as hippies when they were kids. If a costume can survive more than 20 years of Halloweens then it's definitly in the top 5.

2. Pirates

The new millennium saw a resurgence in the popularity of pirates with the release of "Pirates of the Caribbean. Although nowadays their popularity may be waning, a few years ago in my neighborhood everyone wanted to be Jack Sparrow. I think it's he swagger that Johny Depp gave to his character that made everyone want to be like him. Face it, without Depp the pirate would never have been a great pop culture icon like it is nowadays.

1. Food Costumes

Every time I see a hot fog or banana walking down the street, I crack up, especially if it's a grown man. Though i don't know it's origins I know that the food themed costume is a favorite of teenagers (like Johnson Yang).


  1. That was funny, just remember to capitilize your I's

  2. Haha! I could see Johnson walking down the street dressed up in a big banana, hot dog, or food thing
