Friday, October 9, 2009

My Crazy Little Dog

My Dad had been walking around the PetSmart a few weeks ago and had come across a very odd sight. The animal rescue group, Beagle Buddies, was having an adoption day at the store and were adopting off puppies. My Dad decided to look around the place. Although he didn’t expect to find anything he figured it was worth a try. When he gazed into the cages his heart leapt. There in the corner of the cages lied a small very multicolored dog. White splotches splattered her frame, underlined by black and white stripes. But the biggest surprise came to my Dad when the puppy turned to look at him. He jumped and back and realized that the dog had two different colored eyes. Right then and there my Dad realized that this was the dog my family was meant to be there.
I walked into the PetSmart. A terrible aroma of kitty litter, cage bedding, and broken fish tanks hit my nose like a ton of bricks. My family and I were there to look for our soon to be new puppy, which we had decided to name Georgia. My old dog, Timber, had a tumor and would die very soon. Because of this thought it all the more better to get a new dog, to ease the pain the family would experience from the death of Timber.
Beagle Buddies was having another puppy adoption event in the store and, from a call my Mom made to the store, we knew that Georgia would be there. I hadn’t seen her yet and was as giddy as a schoolgirl to meet finally lay my eyes on my new dog. Each second seemed like an eternity as my family and I walked to the back of the store. For some reason, I realized, I was sweating like a jogger. Then suddenly I finally reached where Georgia lay. She was the nicest and most sweet dog I’d ever seen and I couldn’t take my eyes off of her.
My family and I had to wait for what seemed like days to finally bring her home but it was worth it. Except for when we walked in the door to our house. Immediately Georgia hopped out of my Mom’s arms and peed on the floor. I laughed at it until I was told to clean it up. That sucked. However, as bad as it was I’d just gotten a new dog and nothing could bring me down. I knew that Georgia would be a great addition to the family and as well as a great new friend.

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